GOALS: identified and strategies for education programs needed to advance surgeon recommended implementation, surgical team, and surgical facility safety knowledge and practices.
1. Importance of education- necessary to have a lasting effect of this effort or the results of a summit will not have a lasting impact
2. Review of current educational products on surgical patient safety
A new educational effort will require an understanding of the strength and weaknesses of current educational products (Inside and outside medicine, surgery).
3. The educational programs should target all those engaged in the care of the surgical patient – HOW DO WE engage busy tired practicing surgeons.
4. Educational Content- Focus will be on non-technical skills related to safety, i.e.,
communications, human factors, hand offs, teamwork; not on technical surgical skill
5. Types of educational venues were discussed including web based courses, symposia, simulation…..
6. Finance- a. Who will pay for educational programs and materials after the
summit is over?
7. Collaborate with other Professional societies, ABMS Boards, ACGME and surgical RRCs, and Non-surgical groups
8. Accreditation- Certification- MOC
9. Measures of success- How do we measure success/ competency
Moderator points
Educational program targets- surgeons, perioperative crew member, residents, medical students, institution.
1. Shared decision making:
Indications- absolute, relative -our avenue for shared decision making, unnecessary, contraindication.
2. We may be hypocritical in that we may offer a surgery to same age, gender match that we would not have on ourselves
3. Listening- pts in the office are interrupted within 12 seconds and in the ED its 9 seconds.
4. Are we teaching surgeons to alleviate responsibility
5. We need to uphold credible leadership- if we don't believe then they won't believe. No excuses. People are watching you- what we permit we promote.
6. The question is how do we implement this? Is this mandatory certification?
.Hoyt? How do we implement this? Sachdeva - one size fits all is not appropriate. It needs to fit your field, level of learning, etc. It needs to relevant w visible benefits. CME and usual educational formats are ineffective and we must look at other avenues.
.We can only rely so much on training to develop a safety culture. We need to assure that everyone is integrated as a part of team.
.Audience- focus should be on mentorship, leadership, rather than on products that are already out there.
.Panel- 45 years ago the orthopedic group was opposed to certified skills courses and now no one would argue the importance. We will need to develop contents and standards and the measure.
.Conflict is likely useful as long as you don't allow it to progress into a battle.
.Dr Neumeyer- MOC is already a system that creates conflict in many conversations so we need to create a system that surgeons agree with. It needs to be a safe environment. We also need to understand how we motivate learners.
.Checklists need to be designed by and believed by surgeons.
.We need to teach surgeons that behavior is innate but your reaction and control is modifiable.
.patient education is an integral part of this process.
.surgeons may not be receiving the training they need locally but the societies could integrate this into lunchtime agendas.
. To make this meaningful we need to assist the medical centers with the tools to measure their culture.
.education is not the same as training and both is important but we need data to tell us how to optimally achieve this.
.even pilots do not voluntarily attend simulation, but it is mandated. In New York anesthesia, OBGYn, ED, IR etc must be accredited every two years for them to maintain privileges.
Hoyt- we mandated ATLS years ago for surgeons in trauma centers. It all depends on how we present this- we must present this as a learning opportunity and not MOC.
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