Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Pattern Recognition and Critical thinking- A Call with Leading Critical Thinker, Pat Croskerry

Pattern Recognition and Critical thinking- A Call with Leading Critical Thinker, Pat Croskerry

Previously, I had the pleasure of talking with Pat Croskerry MD, PhD, FRCP(Edin); Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Director, Critical Thinking Program, Division of Medical Education, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA. He was gracious to explain critical thinking and its importance in pattern recognition during our day to day life.

 It is clearly a subject I had no real basis of understanding in, and his explanation made it sound so very simple. It is clear that we tend to focus on the trees and not the forest most of the time. This inevitably could prevent our recognizing that something bad is going to or already has happened. His work with emergency medicine in looking at what we are doing in a different light has taught many to avoid common errors. By developing this critical thinking we are allowing ourselves to train to assess all the input coming our way and deciding if there is a potential for a problem or not. Experts can do this without clouding their routine or slowing themselves down, but clearly this take practice.
Kenneth A. Lipshy, MD, FACS

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